mentally and physically tired, whole body aches...
that's exactly how i feel at this very moment.
after that bad tonsil and high fever on Christmas and New Year's Day, i thought it was the end of a very bad ending for 2009, but i spoke to soon ... just two weeks ago, the symptoms returned, my throat sore and my body was feeling awkward ... well yeah, tonsil made a come back.
it was so bad that i slept in between my stories ... i'm just thankful i have the nicest chief reporter, he just lets me sleep. i'm sure he was angry to see me taking those long hours nap on my desk but he understood that i wasn't actually feeling well.
wanted to take MC but it was kinda a busy week, and suddenly a colleague fell sick, i guess she needed the break more than me ...
luckily i took a few days off this weekend, i'll be meeting my two precious nieces and that's the best medicine ever, i've packed my stuff and we're driving up to Keningau tomorrow, woohoo, can't wait to have the girls in my arms!!!
so i'm calling it quit early tonight, because i just can't wait for tomorrow... :-).