Sunday, September 14, 2008

i'm happy, but...

THIS is not another broken-hearted story. Well, ok, a little bit. Nothing sensitive. Nothing earth-shattering, just gladness that Chelsea actually won, beating Manchester City 3-1 ... no words can explain how happy I am at this very moment. It is just sad that the referee had to give John Terry a red card (stupid o kan!!!) ... and yes, I watched the game, and still up at this hour, nothing wrong mah for girls to watch football, lagipun i'm off today (Sunday).
It's also sad that MU lost to Liverpool 2-1 (yes, I watched the game too!), but Liverpool was playing amazingly. MU was just too ... how can I put this ... lazy? slow? over confident?
Can't wait for next week's match lah, it'll be so much fun ... except the fact that John Terry will not be around ... sedihnya!!!
Actually, another reason why I watched the two matches was to get my mind off the ISA issue used against a fellow journalist in Penang. It's such a 'black day for the media'. We, media friends from Sabah, staged a silent protest, some wore black t-shirts/shirts as requested, but all tied yellow ribbon on either the hand or bag or camera. We, reporters, have to stick together, in bad (not bed) or good. We have no one to turn too except to each other, so the phrase ' a friend in need, is a friend indeed' is aptly used in this sense.
Gee...I wonder how I got from football to this heart-breaking issue? Guess once a reporter, will always be a reporter, can't hide our feelings and the urge to write something controversial? exciting? news worthy? ... with the ISA watching us, I do not think there is freedom of speech anymore, so I guess 'they' all should also stop calling/preach for fair reporting, there is none already, we're force to write all good, and nothing but good stuff.
Unless you have a different opinion lah ... (would I get arrested for writting all this here?)


Ok said...

ya.. sa pun sedih ba tu hari pasal isa tangkap reporter tu..punya down cos action against one of our members is like against all of us in the field la.. kunun.

anw.. i like your profile pic santut..mcm termenung memikirkan masa depan heheheh..

Sandra's Corner said...

hahaha ... ada juga sangkut pi baca my blog, thanks lah for commenting hehe, just thinking what to write next

thanks for your time ...

my mother once told me i was named by my uncle. when i was in my primary years, i remember begging my name be changed
to 'Cindy' (after Cindy Lauper - i don't know, somehow "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" was just too good to be ignored...geez),
anyways, thank God she didn't, because today, i so love my name.
thanks mummy and daddy for 'creating' me :-).